"Earlier, police said they had detained 19 people, mainly for breaking Denmark's strict laws against carrying pocket knives or wearing masks during demonstrations." From Yahoo So I want to know how did these people get arrested for carrying pocket knives it doesn't sound like they were wielding the knives on anyone. Were the cops putting there hands in everyones pockets? Is everyone searched? How do you get arrested for pocketknives? Anyway why can't you carry a pocket knife? WTF
"Inside the Bella Center, the European Union, Japan and Australia joined the U.S. in criticizing a draft global warming pact that says major developing nations must rein in greenhouse gases, but only if they have outside financing. Rich nations want to require developing nations to limit emissions, with or without financial help." The rich can pollute as much as they want and now we limit how much the poor can emit. For years the polluting companies would just go out and dump there trash in poor countries. Now they limit them. This is crazy, but necessary?
Anyway the most interesting thing about all of this is that nobody is mentioning climate gate that was put on the back burners. What about the scientists who were falsifying data. Now they are getting as many scientists as they can to sign a petition saying they believe in man made climate change. To get grants to do research you have to get money from the companies, and government that want to see carbon tax and made made climate change accepted as fact. Seems like something is fishy around here.
Saturday, December 12, 2009
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Goldman again
Lloyd Blankfein i'm so jealous
I love news about Goldman it is almost always entertaining and important. The intro is the best I love how this writer Chris Nichols describes Goldman
"The vampire squid/investment bank/robber baron corporation without equal, Goldman Sachs, has hoisted the white flag. The humiliating surrender is complete.
Yes, the New York firm, known best for draining us regular folks of our hard-earned wages and our life force while simultaneously enriching a cackling cabal of Savile Row-suit-wearing, cigar-smoking bankers, has seen the light and decided to take a stand against doling out excessive pay. Cash bonuses for executives will not come to pass in 2009."
They Made So much money they had to delay payment for five years. I think they will be allright. GS is taking over the world so i think they will only be richer in 5yrs so i don't see why they think it looks so much better check it out.
If anything it will encourage the executives to continue pillaging at unimaginable rates and to continue passing compensation back so as not to turn a profit which if you don't make a profit you don't pay taxes. I bet I'll pay more taxes in the next couple of years than goldman will. Take some time read the article. its funny
check out a cool blog i wondered upun http://www.russiablog.org/
blood suckers,
Lloyd Blankfein,
Shares at Risk,
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Dubai and Iran the middle east is poppin
So I've been reading this Book about the history of Iraq and it seems that Iran is pushing the same buttons Iran did before the Iraq invasion. Previous to the 2003 invasion like in the 90's Iraq had refused to cooperate with the UN Nuclear arms team. This led to tension between the American's especially and the Iraqi's Before the 2003 war Iraq even allowed the UN Nuclear teams to come in and show that there were no nuclear weapons. But we (USA) were already pissed and ready for regime change. The Iraqi's since the British left has had many regime changes many of which were helped by the CIA and American Intelligence. This latest regime change (getting rid of Saddam) was the second attack with mainly our troops and the first time we had massive troops there and proceeded with the regime change.
How history repeats itself. During the Iranian election you may have heard people using the term regime change. And we(USA) were definitely pushing toward it. Today Iran is directly disobeying the UN security council and the USA. I think they are trying to get us to force in a "regime change" slash another front in the war on terror. This could lead to many interesting things. So if I were you I would pick up a book on Iraq and think about what Iran is saying and who is still coordinating our foreign policy (CFR/Int'l Bankers)
Take a look at these articles
The Dubai article is fun check it out
Today we are p
How history repeats itself. During the Iranian election you may have heard people using the term regime change. And we(USA) were definitely pushing toward it. Today Iran is directly disobeying the UN security council and the USA. I think they are trying to get us to force in a "regime change" slash another front in the war on terror. This could lead to many interesting things. So if I were you I would pick up a book on Iraq and think about what Iran is saying and who is still coordinating our foreign policy (CFR/Int'l Bankers)
Take a look at these articles
Iran won't talk to West on nuclear program
Europe's Secret Nuclear Weapons: What Should NATO Do?
Dubai mega-tower `last hurrah' to age of excess
The Dubai article is fun check it out
Today we are p
Foreign Policy,
Nuclear weapons,
Oil for Food,
Regime Change,
UN and Iran
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
FDIC is 8+Bill In the hole. Typical gov't agency.
The FDIC fund that insures bank deposits is $8.2 billion in the hole.
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. released its latest set of grim banking data moments ago. The FDIC had to set aside $21.7 billion for expected losses on future bank failures as the total number of "problem" banks rose to 552 from 416.
During the 1930s, the United States and the rest of the world experienced a severe economic contraction that has now been named the Great Depression. In the United States, during the height of the Great Depression, the official unemployment rate was 25% and the stock market had declined 75% since 1929. Bank runs were common place because there wasn't any insurance on deposits at banks, citizens ran the risk of losing all of the money that they had deposited if their bank failed.[6]
as the FDIC website says THE FDIC is an independent agency created by the US Congress to maintain stability and public confidence in the Banking System
Now the insurer is running a deficit? How does this happen? So our they going to print more money or borrow more money or are those the same thing? So if we the people pay taxes to support a bankrupt company that is supporting a bankrupt borrowing system. Doesn't it seem like we are on the hook for that?
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. released its latest set of grim banking data moments ago. The FDIC had to set aside $21.7 billion for expected losses on future bank failures as the total number of "problem" banks rose to 552 from 416.
During the 1930s, the United States and the rest of the world experienced a severe economic contraction that has now been named the Great Depression. In the United States, during the height of the Great Depression, the official unemployment rate was 25% and the stock market had declined 75% since 1929. Bank runs were common place because there wasn't any insurance on deposits at banks, citizens ran the risk of losing all of the money that they had deposited if their bank failed.[6]
as the FDIC website says THE FDIC is an independent agency created by the US Congress to maintain stability and public confidence in the Banking System
Now the insurer is running a deficit? How does this happen? So our they going to print more money or borrow more money or are those the same thing? So if we the people pay taxes to support a bankrupt company that is supporting a bankrupt borrowing system. Doesn't it seem like we are on the hook for that?
Thursday, November 19, 2009
The 'Real' Jobless Rate 17.5%
The 'Real' Jobless Rate 17.5% All gov't statistics are fake. Ahhh.
Why does the gov't try to manage the statistics to make things look unduly good. If you are trying to manage expectations shouldn't you tell the truth. So when people find out the truth things don't plummet.
It's like my personal selling teacher always told me you should underpromise and overperform. To me it seems like they are setting them selves up for failure.
the number dwarfs the statistic most people pay attention to-the U-3 rate-which most recently showed unemployment at 10.2 percent for March, the highest it has been since June 1983.The difference is that what is traditionally referred to as the "unemployment rate" only measures those out of work who are still looking for jobs. Discouraged workers who have quit trying to find a job, as well as those working part-time but looking for full-time work or who are otherwise underemployed, count in the U-6 rate.
With such a large portion of Americans experiencing employment struggles, economists worry that an extended period of slow or flat growth lies ahead.
"To me there's no easy solution here," says Michael Pento, chief economist at Delta Global Advisors. "Unless you create another bubble in which the economy can create jobs, then you're not going to have growth. That's the sad truth."
Pento warns that forecasts of a double-dip ("W") or a straight up ("V") recovery both could be too optimistic given the jobs situation.
Why does the gov't try to manage the statistics to make things look unduly good. If you are trying to manage expectations shouldn't you tell the truth. So when people find out the truth things don't plummet.
It's like my personal selling teacher always told me you should underpromise and overperform. To me it seems like they are setting them selves up for failure.
the number dwarfs the statistic most people pay attention to-the U-3 rate-which most recently showed unemployment at 10.2 percent for March, the highest it has been since June 1983.The difference is that what is traditionally referred to as the "unemployment rate" only measures those out of work who are still looking for jobs. Discouraged workers who have quit trying to find a job, as well as those working part-time but looking for full-time work or who are otherwise underemployed, count in the U-6 rate.
With such a large portion of Americans experiencing employment struggles, economists worry that an extended period of slow or flat growth lies ahead.
"To me there's no easy solution here," says Michael Pento, chief economist at Delta Global Advisors. "Unless you create another bubble in which the economy can create jobs, then you're not going to have growth. That's the sad truth."
Pento warns that forecasts of a double-dip ("W") or a straight up ("V") recovery both could be too optimistic given the jobs situation.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Gold is it in more than one way
Gold hits record near 1150/oz its a great time to own gold or own Goldman. Recently Goldman and Buffet started a 500million dollar charitable donation, while tipping its employees 19billion dollars. It seems to me there trying to appease the masses. And then today on Yahoo there was pretty much a piece of "News" telling us that we should forgive and forget and they even talked about how theres all these conspiracy theories and how we should take it as a joke, he said take it like jay leno. Even though at points it seems like they admit its goldman's way to pretend they are saving the world and doing "God's Work" Watch the video and see for yourself. Goldman Says "Sorry" And The World Moves On.
Well anyway Gold seems like it would have been a great buy a couple of months ago and may still be a good buy with more reserves being transfered into gold. also with our federal reserve policy if there is inflation gold goes up and if there isn't gold goes up. But at least for our dollar sake gold is hitting high's in other currencies too.
Gold traders are awaiting key U.S. consumer price index numbers later in the day for clues as to the next direction of trade, both due to its effect on the currency markets and on bullion itself, which is often seen as an inflation hedge.
"Low inflation pressures are traditionally a negative for gold prices," said HSBC analyst James Steel in a note.
"If, however, weak inflation data are seen as allowing the Fed to continue to pursue easy monetary policies, this may be seen as supportive of gold."
Gold rose in currencies other than the U.S. currencies, reaching its highest since late February in euro terms, since early March in sterling terms, and since early May when priced in the Australian dollar.
Well anyway Gold seems like it would have been a great buy a couple of months ago and may still be a good buy with more reserves being transfered into gold. also with our federal reserve policy if there is inflation gold goes up and if there isn't gold goes up. But at least for our dollar sake gold is hitting high's in other currencies too.
Gold traders are awaiting key U.S. consumer price index numbers later in the day for clues as to the next direction of trade, both due to its effect on the currency markets and on bullion itself, which is often seen as an inflation hedge.
"Low inflation pressures are traditionally a negative for gold prices," said HSBC analyst James Steel in a note.
"If, however, weak inflation data are seen as allowing the Fed to continue to pursue easy monetary policies, this may be seen as supportive of gold."
Gold rose in currencies other than the U.S. currencies, reaching its highest since late February in euro terms, since early March in sterling terms, and since early May when priced in the Australian dollar.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Climate Treaty Bill New Doho?
O my I just wanted to thank Al Gore for being a genius. He has figured out a way to make everyone think he is a hero while at the same time enriching himself, bringing down a country, bringing in world government, and helping all his friends gain power or enrich themselves. Nothing wrong with making money but the world government and taxing a country to death is another.
More than anyone else as vice president of the united states of America and being involved in American politics for 24 years, serving first in the U.S. House of Representatives (1977–85) and later in the U.S. Senate (1985–93) (representing Tennessee) before becoming vice president. Gore was the Democratic nominee for president in the 2000 presidential election. I think this truly makes him more intersting than anyone else for business or global pushers and pullers. Think about it if anyone knows how to use lobbyists it would be him. If anyone knows how to make house calls the the most important politicians it would be the vice president of the united states. If anyone was to be bought by the global financiers and money elite it would be the vice president of the united states. Especially after he lost the election for presidency I'm sure he was depressed and looking for an idea.
Today Al has his own financial company that owns the chicago climate exchange many refer to his companies name as "Blood and Gore." The company they own Generation Investment Management LLP (GIM) is a London-based investment management firm with an investment style that blends traditional equity research with a focus on sustainability factors, including social and environmental responsibility and corporate governance.
Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore is chairman of Generation, and David Blood — previously chief executive of Goldman Sachs Asset Management — is CEO. The pair has given the company its nickname, "Blood and Gore."
He also has founded a company soleley for promoting the global climate change theory and it is supported by paramount pictures "The Alliance for Climate Protection is an organization founded in the United States in 2006 aiming to "persuade people of the importance, urgency and feasibility of adopting and implementing effective and comprehensive solutions for the climate crisis".[1] The founder and current chairman of the alliance is former US Vice President Al Gore" Much of the Alliance's funding comes from Al Gore's work. Paramount Classics, distributor of Gore's documentary An Inconvenient Truth
I find all of this very interesting especially with all of the coming up global meetings on climate changes at the G20 and even more close to home the upcoming Cap and Trade vote where it could slip through and we would have to pay taxes for every time we breathed and a lot of that money would go straight to Al Gore and his Goldman friends who own the exchanges where carbon will be traded and who create the financial products to be traded. Making money for the bankers now with complete control of the media and the politicians is like shooting fish in a bucket. like one oil baron said the best either rockefeller or getty I can't remember but he said something like the best way to start a business is to pass a law and thats what they are fixin to do. another quote from rockefeller
I would rather earn 1% off a 100 people's efforts than 100% of my own efforts.
John D. Rockefeller
Nationalized industries are notorious for their inability to operate at a profit.
Paul Getty
If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths, rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success.
John D. Rockefeller
all this to show you this link about the up coming meetings
More than anyone else as vice president of the united states of America and being involved in American politics for 24 years, serving first in the U.S. House of Representatives (1977–85) and later in the U.S. Senate (1985–93) (representing Tennessee) before becoming vice president. Gore was the Democratic nominee for president in the 2000 presidential election. I think this truly makes him more intersting than anyone else for business or global pushers and pullers. Think about it if anyone knows how to use lobbyists it would be him. If anyone knows how to make house calls the the most important politicians it would be the vice president of the united states. If anyone was to be bought by the global financiers and money elite it would be the vice president of the united states. Especially after he lost the election for presidency I'm sure he was depressed and looking for an idea.
Today Al has his own financial company that owns the chicago climate exchange many refer to his companies name as "Blood and Gore." The company they own Generation Investment Management LLP (GIM) is a London-based investment management firm with an investment style that blends traditional equity research with a focus on sustainability factors, including social and environmental responsibility and corporate governance.
Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore is chairman of Generation, and David Blood — previously chief executive of Goldman Sachs Asset Management — is CEO. The pair has given the company its nickname, "Blood and Gore."
He also has founded a company soleley for promoting the global climate change theory and it is supported by paramount pictures "The Alliance for Climate Protection is an organization founded in the United States in 2006 aiming to "persuade people of the importance, urgency and feasibility of adopting and implementing effective and comprehensive solutions for the climate crisis".[1] The founder and current chairman of the alliance is former US Vice President Al Gore" Much of the Alliance's funding comes from Al Gore's work. Paramount Classics, distributor of Gore's documentary An Inconvenient Truth
I find all of this very interesting especially with all of the coming up global meetings on climate changes at the G20 and even more close to home the upcoming Cap and Trade vote where it could slip through and we would have to pay taxes for every time we breathed and a lot of that money would go straight to Al Gore and his Goldman friends who own the exchanges where carbon will be traded and who create the financial products to be traded. Making money for the bankers now with complete control of the media and the politicians is like shooting fish in a bucket. like one oil baron said the best either rockefeller or getty I can't remember but he said something like the best way to start a business is to pass a law and thats what they are fixin to do. another quote from rockefeller
I would rather earn 1% off a 100 people's efforts than 100% of my own efforts.
John D. Rockefeller
Nationalized industries are notorious for their inability to operate at a profit.
Paul Getty
If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths, rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success.
John D. Rockefeller
all this to show you this link about the up coming meetings
Thursday, October 29, 2009
The End of GETA for now. Insider trading and suicide
Penny stocks they rise they fall. today I sold Geta at .13 the saddest sell i ever had. I lost boatloads of money. Well anyway at least i don't have to pay taxes on it.
interesting article with all the insider trading. I don't understand I feel like this is what everyone trys to do but I guess its illegal.
interesting article with all the insider trading. I don't understand I feel like this is what everyone trys to do but I guess its illegal.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Genta Inc. New Website leaked potential NEWS
Right off of the Trading Grasshopper the master of GETA research and Penny stocks
For a short time this morning Genta had a new website (leaked?), but it was removed quickly (after a surge of hits maybe?). Here is a screen grab.

The new site looks much nicer than the current one and has some very interesting content including:
Sunday, November 01, 2009
To Wednesday, November 04, 2009Boston, MA
AACR-NCI-EORTC Molecular Targets And Cancer Therapeutic Conference
Sunday, November 15, 2009
To Thursday, November 19, 2009Boston, MA
Lazard Capital Markets
6th Annual Healthcare Conference
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
To Wednesday, November 18, 2009New York, NY
3rd World Meeting of Interdisciplinary Melanoma/Skin Cancer Centers
Thursday, November 19, 2009
To Saturday, November 21, 2009Berlin, Germany
American Society of Hematology
Saturday, December 05, 2009
To Tuesday, December 08, 2009New Orleans, LA
JP Morgan 28th Annual Healthcare Conference
Monday, January 11, 2010
To Thursday, January 14, 2010San Francisco, CA
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
Friday, June 04, 2010
To Tuesday, June 08, 2010Chicago, IL
20th German Skin Cancer Conference
Thursday, September 23, 2010
To Saturday, September 25, 2010 Kiel, Germany
What an exciting leak, hopefully a window with a view of good things to come.
This is my opinion only, always do your own DD, and have a great afternoon!
-The Trading Grasshopper
For a short time this morning Genta had a new website (leaked?), but it was removed quickly (after a surge of hits maybe?). Here is a screen grab.
The new site looks much nicer than the current one and has some very interesting content including:
- An “updated” pipeline that had said that Tesetaxel had completed phase II for breast and gastric cancer.
- A new physical address.
- New job openings.
- Investor Relations page.
- A long list of events Genta plans to attend:
Sunday, November 01, 2009
To Wednesday, November 04, 2009Boston, MA
AACR-NCI-EORTC Molecular Targets And Cancer Therapeutic Conference
Sunday, November 15, 2009
To Thursday, November 19, 2009Boston, MA
Lazard Capital Markets
6th Annual Healthcare Conference
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
To Wednesday, November 18, 2009New York, NY
3rd World Meeting of Interdisciplinary Melanoma/Skin Cancer Centers
Thursday, November 19, 2009
To Saturday, November 21, 2009Berlin, Germany
American Society of Hematology
Saturday, December 05, 2009
To Tuesday, December 08, 2009New Orleans, LA
JP Morgan 28th Annual Healthcare Conference
Monday, January 11, 2010
To Thursday, January 14, 2010San Francisco, CA
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
Friday, June 04, 2010
To Tuesday, June 08, 2010Chicago, IL
20th German Skin Cancer Conference
Thursday, September 23, 2010
To Saturday, September 25, 2010 Kiel, Germany
- Last but not least, a new corporate fact sheet
What an exciting leak, hopefully a window with a view of good things to come.
This is my opinion only, always do your own DD, and have a great afternoon!
-The Trading Grasshopper
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Getting money out of America. Buying foreighn bonds Alex Jones, Info wars, Infowar
So today I began the search for how to get my money and families money out of America. I officially started my search again because of the Alex Jones show http://www.infowars.com/ I was listening on Friday and they were talking with the pastor that is friends with the oil baron and he was saying how America will collapse within the next 2yrs and become a failed state. Even if that doesn't happen all the way it seems like it could be headed south maybe a little bit I mean this weekend like 7 new banks failed, bringing the total to 106 what I don't understand is how with all these bank failures SKF keeps going down. AHHHH thats just me pissed about my bet. FDIC is insolvent but everything keeps going up Dow 10,000 that makes a lot of sense. Well anyway the pastor said the indexes should continue up till the end of the year. Well so my point is we ( me family and friends) need to secure ourselves a future. So we don't starve or lose everything. So I've been trying to figure out how to buy up non dollar denominated bonds such as my favorite Turkey Bonds. I don't know it just has a good ring to it.
I did some research and came up with some interesting ideas
I also learned some about central bank action and gold. Those banks/gold dealers really have some interesting ways of having inside information and
So I finally found some ways to get out I email bank of Dubai about opening an account also I emailed Garanti bank of Turkey about buying turkish bonds hopefully they will get back to me soon. http://www.garantibank.com/
My main thought is that it would be great to be able to create a corporation in Dubai that is a investment corporation with the main goal of holding foreign bonds such as Turkey gov bonds and corporate bonds and maybe some Eurobonds. The coolest thing about Dubai is that Halliburton is headquartered there and more cool than that is corporation pay 0% tax. So you would have 0 tax which is pretty bad ass. So your company is earning hopefully between 12% and 20% in bonds in non US dollar denominated assets. I was thinking americans would be pretty excited about this and I could start to advertise it. Maybe I can make the first turkish bond ETF based out of Dubai.
I did some research and came up with some interesting ideas
I also learned some about central bank action and gold. Those banks/gold dealers really have some interesting ways of having inside information and
So I finally found some ways to get out I email bank of Dubai about opening an account also I emailed Garanti bank of Turkey about buying turkish bonds hopefully they will get back to me soon. http://www.garantibank.com/
My main thought is that it would be great to be able to create a corporation in Dubai that is a investment corporation with the main goal of holding foreign bonds such as Turkey gov bonds and corporate bonds and maybe some Eurobonds. The coolest thing about Dubai is that Halliburton is headquartered there and more cool than that is corporation pay 0% tax. So you would have 0 tax which is pretty bad ass. So your company is earning hopefully between 12% and 20% in bonds in non US dollar denominated assets. I was thinking americans would be pretty excited about this and I could start to advertise it. Maybe I can make the first turkish bond ETF based out of Dubai.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
NEW PENNY PLAY EPIX Epix Pharmacutical
My friend chris found this company that came out of bankruptcy with a boom. Epix went from being worth .001 USD to .011 in one day a 1000% increase in one day. My friend the The Trading Grasshopper wrote an article on it yesterday for his blog he writes excellent pharmacutical analysis http://tradinggrasshopper.wordpress.com/
EPIX Pharmaceuticals
There was lot’s of buzz this weekend about EPIX having an “FDA approved” drug auction on Wednesday. The buzz sent the stock up 1000% on Friday and investors seemed eager to jump in this morning. But the funny thing about hype is that it can be deceiving…
If you read the PR closely you will see it says that the FDA approved a “IND” which is an extension of a test.
So the drug didn’t get approved, a continued study of it did. Which means only the patients who participated in phase II will get to continue using it. The phase II trial only had one test subject, which is strange.
I’m sure it was picked for the auction because it is EPIX’s greatest asset. It will likely bring them the most money. However, how much money?
What is for sale here is the opportunity for a larger company to purchase a drug (PRX-03140) for a large market (Alzheimer’s) at a late stage of development. The cost of two trials is behind them, and there is a possibility they
could meet with the FDA and get a Phase III trial approved (which is
the last phase before big time approval), which is good but it would no longer be involved with THIS company
after the auction. Also there are some reasonable claims against the company, somewhere around
$5 million. So if the auction on Wednesday were to yield a far greater amount, say $30m, $25m would be left over for the benefit of the company and its shareholders.
This morning I predicted a price drop because people would realize the drug was not “FDA approved” but merely acquired permission to continue a study. Unfortunately the company is low on funds and is liquidizing their assets to get out with what ever profit they can, and PRX-03140 is their greatest asset. Hopefully it will get some high bids.
Because of the auction on Wednesday, tomorrow after noon might see a light run. But another 1000% doesn’t seem likely. The time to get in would have probably been last Thursday. For those who bought in today I hope I’m wrong.
This is my opinion only, always do your own DD, and have a great afternoon!
-The Trading Grasshopper
GETA has been having intersting times it fell more than 10% today its biggest fall in quite some time. AAPL Apple Computers blew away the computer industry yesterday with a 46% increase in sales its a good time to own them maybe they can do the same thing again next quarter. There stock should keep on moving straight up. Buy geta before you can't.
There was lot’s of buzz this weekend about EPIX having an “FDA approved” drug auction on Wednesday. The buzz sent the stock up 1000% on Friday and investors seemed eager to jump in this morning. But the funny thing about hype is that it can be deceiving…
If you read the PR closely you will see it says that the FDA approved a “IND” which is an extension of a test.
So the drug didn’t get approved, a continued study of it did. Which means only the patients who participated in phase II will get to continue using it. The phase II trial only had one test subject, which is strange.
I’m sure it was picked for the auction because it is EPIX’s greatest asset. It will likely bring them the most money. However, how much money?
What is for sale here is the opportunity for a larger company to purchase a drug (PRX-03140) for a large market (Alzheimer’s) at a late stage of development. The cost of two trials is behind them, and there is a possibility they
could meet with the FDA and get a Phase III trial approved (which is
the last phase before big time approval), which is good but it would no longer be involved with THIS company
after the auction. Also there are some reasonable claims against the company, somewhere around
$5 million. So if the auction on Wednesday were to yield a far greater amount, say $30m, $25m would be left over for the benefit of the company and its shareholders.
This morning I predicted a price drop because people would realize the drug was not “FDA approved” but merely acquired permission to continue a study. Unfortunately the company is low on funds and is liquidizing their assets to get out with what ever profit they can, and PRX-03140 is their greatest asset. Hopefully it will get some high bids.
Because of the auction on Wednesday, tomorrow after noon might see a light run. But another 1000% doesn’t seem likely. The time to get in would have probably been last Thursday. For those who bought in today I hope I’m wrong.
This is my opinion only, always do your own DD, and have a great afternoon!
-The Trading Grasshopper
GETA has been having intersting times it fell more than 10% today its biggest fall in quite some time. AAPL Apple Computers blew away the computer industry yesterday with a 46% increase in sales its a good time to own them maybe they can do the same thing again next quarter. There stock should keep on moving straight up. Buy geta before you can't.
Apple computers,
Epix pharmacutical.,
Trading Grasshopper
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
more news Ahmadinejad, and dollar
Ahmadinejad’s Apocalyptic Ambitions
“In your speeches, you pray for God to hasten the arrival of the hidden imam, the Muslim messiah,” stated Curry. “What is your relationship with the hidden imam, and how soon do you think before the second coming?” From MSNBC
“In your speeches, you pray for God to hasten the arrival of the hidden imam, the Muslim messiah,” stated Curry. “What is your relationship with the hidden imam, and how soon do you think before the second coming?” From MSNBC
The Dollar Adrift A global vote of non-confidence.
The biggest story in the world economy is the continuing fall of the U.S. dollar, or at least it is everywhere outside of Washington, D.C., the place most responsible for its declining value. For good reason, the world is wondering if America has cast the dollar adrift.Monday, October 12, 2009
4 biggest banks may have to have some billion dollar write downs
Writedowns on Mortgage Servicing Make Even JPMorgan Vulnerable
The four biggest U.S. banks by assets may have to take writedowns on $55 billion of mortgage- collection contracts after marking them up by $11 billion in the second quarter, casting a shadow over earnings.
The four biggest U.S. banks by assets may have to take writedowns on $55 billion of mortgage- collection contracts after marking them up by $11 billion in the second quarter, casting a shadow over earnings.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Good Morning Fellow Investors Earnings week is ahead lets hope for the best! SKF GETA GENTA LDSR Bloomberg AP Reuters
Hey everyone just another sunny day in austin I hope. Lots of interesting movements in the currency recently there has really been a breakdown of the dollar
"World leaders are acting on threats to dump the dollar while the Obama administration shows a willingness to tolerate a weaker currency in an effort to boost exports and the economy as long as it doesn’t drive away the nation’s creditors. The diversification signals that the currency won’t rebound anytime soon after losing 10.3 percent on a trade-weighted basis the past six months, the biggest drop since 1991.
“Global central banks are getting more serious about diversification, whereas in the past they used to just talk about it,” said Steven Englander, a former Federal Reserve researcher who is now the chief U.S. currency strategist at Barclays in New York. “It looks like they are really backing away from the dollar.”
Sliding Share
The dollar’s 37 percent share of new reserves fell from about a 63 percent average since 1999. Englander concluded in a report that the trend “accelerated” in the third quarter. He said in an interview that “for the next couple of months, the forces are still in place” for continued diversification." Bloomberg
This presents lots of intersting challenges for investors. But also lots of opportunity. I want to discuss some ways to make money off of these big changes. For one many people say buy gold. I think it is a good idea but you have to be careful gold has big up and down swings. And right now it is at an all time so its tough you know is this the beginning of a whole new level or the peak of trading. Of course many people say it has broken through a resistance level and will continue to rise sharply. Take a look at IAU the IShares Gold Index. Its confusing because so many people thing gold will go crazy and there are still others that think its a great short here is a good story presenting both opinions Jim Rogers Doubts the Dollar.
Here are several other dollar trades for the etf investor who is looking to purchase some currency with out directly buying futures a great way to take advantage of the falling dollar DXDDX Direxional 2.5X dollar Bear Fund here is the page about it from direxion itself DOLLAR BULL.
My other strategy I have been thinking a lot about it is a better bond bet. Bonds in america just aren't exciting enough for me I want to have maybe between 20-30 percent in some sort of bonds so I was thinking where are some areas internationally that should have good bonds. One way to do this with a mutual fund is through Dimensional Fund Advisors Selectively Hedged Global Fixed Income Portfolio. I would like to say I know how to buy brazilian bonds but I don't work at a bond trading desk but here is another hella good way to make some money on some bonds with 10 yr rates of returns in the high 30% talk about damn good returns on bonds Dreyfus's. More examples are ishares EMB which is an index of JPMorgan USD Emerging Markets Bond Fund .
Well thats all the time I have for now. Have a great day of trading.
"World leaders are acting on threats to dump the dollar while the Obama administration shows a willingness to tolerate a weaker currency in an effort to boost exports and the economy as long as it doesn’t drive away the nation’s creditors. The diversification signals that the currency won’t rebound anytime soon after losing 10.3 percent on a trade-weighted basis the past six months, the biggest drop since 1991.
“Global central banks are getting more serious about diversification, whereas in the past they used to just talk about it,” said Steven Englander, a former Federal Reserve researcher who is now the chief U.S. currency strategist at Barclays in New York. “It looks like they are really backing away from the dollar.”
Sliding Share
The dollar’s 37 percent share of new reserves fell from about a 63 percent average since 1999. Englander concluded in a report that the trend “accelerated” in the third quarter. He said in an interview that “for the next couple of months, the forces are still in place” for continued diversification." Bloomberg
This presents lots of intersting challenges for investors. But also lots of opportunity. I want to discuss some ways to make money off of these big changes. For one many people say buy gold. I think it is a good idea but you have to be careful gold has big up and down swings. And right now it is at an all time so its tough you know is this the beginning of a whole new level or the peak of trading. Of course many people say it has broken through a resistance level and will continue to rise sharply. Take a look at IAU the IShares Gold Index. Its confusing because so many people thing gold will go crazy and there are still others that think its a great short here is a good story presenting both opinions Jim Rogers Doubts the Dollar.
Here are several other dollar trades for the etf investor who is looking to purchase some currency with out directly buying futures a great way to take advantage of the falling dollar DXDDX Direxional 2.5X dollar Bear Fund here is the page about it from direxion itself DOLLAR BULL.
My other strategy I have been thinking a lot about it is a better bond bet. Bonds in america just aren't exciting enough for me I want to have maybe between 20-30 percent in some sort of bonds so I was thinking where are some areas internationally that should have good bonds. One way to do this with a mutual fund is through Dimensional Fund Advisors Selectively Hedged Global Fixed Income Portfolio. I would like to say I know how to buy brazilian bonds but I don't work at a bond trading desk but here is another hella good way to make some money on some bonds with 10 yr rates of returns in the high 30% talk about damn good returns on bonds Dreyfus's. More examples are ishares EMB which is an index of JPMorgan USD Emerging Markets Bond Fund .
Well thats all the time I have for now. Have a great day of trading.
hot penny,
Penny stocks,
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Central Banks
ECB, BoE leave interest rates at record lows
So the European banks are leaving there interest rates the same similar to what America is doing. Very low rates all below 1% they are obviously not to afraid of inflation yet. These are some of the lowest rates in history. We all have interest rates like Japan. If you can't get people to borrow at 1% i guess you can't get people to borrow.
"We have signs of stabilization. We are out of the free-fall," Trichet said. "We have to be cautious. We have to be prudent."
Trichet welcomed the U.S.'s support for a "strong dollar" policy -- some in the markets think the U.S. has been operating a policy of benign neglect towards its currency over recent months in an attempt to boost exports.
Seems kind of coordinated to me. Which is good. Coordination brings stability.
Just another 54 billion $
FHA Shortfall Seen at $54 Billion May Lead to Bailout Bloomberg
Fiscal Policy,
Interest rates,
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
World Bank issues interesting report
World Bank President Sees Dollar’s Status Diminishing
I went to britain 2 years ago and hung out in oxford it seemed every one liked to drink even the old people. You would see old people and there children getting crunk all the time. Now an interesting article about it
Funny English "42 percent of Britons see binge drinking as “part of Britain’s culture.” About a quarter say there is “nothing wrong with drinking to excess.”"
New Global Trend: Dump a Dollar, Buy a Euro
Any one Looking for the head of a commodities department Apollo Trader Neal Shear Departs Firm, Looking for Work
Apollo Investment Website
I went to britain 2 years ago and hung out in oxford it seemed every one liked to drink even the old people. You would see old people and there children getting crunk all the time. Now an interesting article about it
Funny English "42 percent of Britons see binge drinking as “part of Britain’s culture.” About a quarter say there is “nothing wrong with drinking to excess.”"
New Global Trend: Dump a Dollar, Buy a Euro
Any one Looking for the head of a commodities department Apollo Trader Neal Shear Departs Firm, Looking for Work
Apollo Investment Website
buy euro,
Looking for work,
Neal Shear,
New World Order,
World Bank
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
interesting news and the stock market goes up!
The stock market keeps going up
lots of excitement in the currency world
Dollar Living on Its Reputation and Borrowed Time
Sector Snap: Gold miners soar on record prices
lots of excitement in the currency world
record prices,
sector snap,
Thursday, October 1, 2009
Finally a good day for both of my holdings. SKF went up almost 7% GETA is up 10% finishing the day with some strong gains. So I'm still holding my 50 shares of skf in case the world ends. But in the mean time several companies are filing Class Action Lawsuits against SKF for false representation. I can't decide if I should file with them. To date I lost almost 70% of my assets in SKF so maybe I can make some back. So GETA may release information Early. I wonder what is going to happen on the announcement date and how early it will be. To much excitement AHHH!
Intersting graphic comparison of where our money is spent
The Billion Dollar question
Tommorow the unemployment news comes out. I wonder how manipulated the numbers will be how will the market respond to the announcement. Lets see. Friday! This may be the last quarter the stock market exists. with the market not looking like its going to reach 10000 this week does that mean its time to change the side of the bet your on. Maybe the biggest short squeeze in history is over. email me The Penny Playa to have any economic questions answered, and if I can't answer them I know the people that can.
Intersting graphic comparison of where our money is spent
The Billion Dollar question
Tommorow the unemployment news comes out. I wonder how manipulated the numbers will be how will the market respond to the announcement. Lets see. Friday! This may be the last quarter the stock market exists. with the market not looking like its going to reach 10000 this week does that mean its time to change the side of the bet your on. Maybe the biggest short squeeze in history is over. email me The Penny Playa to have any economic questions answered, and if I can't answer them I know the people that can.
Manufacturing, employment data push stocks lower
Gilman and Pastor LLP Announces That 6 Days Remain for Investors to File Certifications to Serve as Lead Plaintiff in the ProShares UltraShort Real Estate Fund
Class Action,
I shares,
Penny stocks,
Pro Shares,
Short squeeze,
Saturday, September 26, 2009
The EU and FSB
Interesting information about the EU and how the financial crisis is impacting there economic environment.
Interesting information about the EU and how the financial crisis is impacting there economic environment.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Genta Coverage continued
More good
Genta gaining traction before release of AGENDA trial resultshttp://seekingalpha.com/instablog/476991-r-saito/28053-genta-moves-higher-as-agenda-trial-results-loom
Genta gaining traction before release of AGENDA trial resultshttp://seekingalpha.com/instablog/476991-r-saito/28053-genta-moves-higher-as-agenda-trial-results-loom
Genta moves higher as AGENDA trial results loom
http://biomedreports.com/articles/most-popular/10059-genta-gaining-traction-before-release-of-agenda-trial-results.htmlWednesday, September 23, 2009
Why interest rate spreads are so low.
So bonds are yielding very low currently. The spreads are very low. currently. Its hard to explain if you think that you should be rewarded for holding more risky notes/ bonds. There is systematic country and currency risk then there is just the risk of the borrower defaulting and both of these are currently mounting. We were in a recession and probably are still in one. With the avg american in the past several years having spent more than they made. Americans have gone more and more in debt every year "helping" the economy. Eventually you realize things aren't going to get that much better every year your big raise isn't coming this next 6 months you probably shouldn't spend more than you made in fact you might want to save some of that.
Well now people are saving more but that takes away from consumption. With the big pull back in the stock market and commodities, people pulled out lots of $ and were holding on to them trying to find out what to do. After many people lost 50% of there money in stocks and commodities. People have decided to put there money back into bonds I was talking with a portfolio manager that manages 4 billion for an institution he said that according to money flow indexes 90% of money flowing into markets is going into bonds. With this increase in bond holdings greatly increasing the supply of money. The demand for money is staying the same or decreasing. Companies don't want to buy huge new corporate warehouses and new commercial real estate. Expansion has slowed. The same thing with consumers we stand to consume less we never needed to consume at the rate we did. Just cause money is cheap doesn't mean you need it. So Demand increase for money because of its lower interest rate has not increased. Businesses don't know if they will be able to make more money with there new borrowings some don't even know if they can pay off there past debt. Check out the graph below to check out whats happening. So with supply increasing and no more or slightly more demand the interest rates continue to fall. And spreads will get thinner. People will want higher returns. But they will have to take riskier and riskier debt. Its a risky bizness but someone has to do it.
Well now people are saving more but that takes away from consumption. With the big pull back in the stock market and commodities, people pulled out lots of $ and were holding on to them trying to find out what to do. After many people lost 50% of there money in stocks and commodities. People have decided to put there money back into bonds I was talking with a portfolio manager that manages 4 billion for an institution he said that according to money flow indexes 90% of money flowing into markets is going into bonds. With this increase in bond holdings greatly increasing the supply of money. The demand for money is staying the same or decreasing. Companies don't want to buy huge new corporate warehouses and new commercial real estate. Expansion has slowed. The same thing with consumers we stand to consume less we never needed to consume at the rate we did. Just cause money is cheap doesn't mean you need it. So Demand increase for money because of its lower interest rate has not increased. Businesses don't know if they will be able to make more money with there new borrowings some don't even know if they can pay off there past debt. Check out the graph below to check out whats happening. So with supply increasing and no more or slightly more demand the interest rates continue to fall. And spreads will get thinner. People will want higher returns. But they will have to take riskier and riskier debt. Its a risky bizness but someone has to do it.
Genta Inc. GETA get it while its hot...
GETA Genta Inc. www.genta.com/ this is a trade jacob suggested we did really well on this one. Jacob had been following it for a couple of months. He says its going to cure or help treat cancer specifically melanoma . Which would be Great. I was trying to get in at .33 but i missed my mark and it stayed above .4 for awhile so i got it at .39 about 2 weeks ago. It started heading straight up about a week or 2 ago. Today it ended at 1.15 and hit 1.26 it was awesome so i ended the day with 194% profit on GETA.
I bought 590 more shares at the end of the day getting to 1500 shares i did a limit order at 1.15. I want to get to 2000 shares in the next couple of days. I think it will hit $2.00 in the next couple of days and jacob thinks that it will hit like 20-30 before the announcement date in december. that would be freaking awesome. I can't decide if trading back and forth is a good idea or just hold it to december. I can't wait till there is options trading on genta.
Next up why bond yields are falling and the risk is still the same or greater. I thought markets were efficient and you got paid for your risk. not today.
Interesting news for today
Housing Crash to Resume on 7 Million Foreclosures, Amherst Says
Card Defaults Surge in August to 11.49%, Moody’s Says (Update1)
World to America: We Want Our Gold Back
I bought 590 more shares at the end of the day getting to 1500 shares i did a limit order at 1.15. I want to get to 2000 shares in the next couple of days. I think it will hit $2.00 in the next couple of days and jacob thinks that it will hit like 20-30 before the announcement date in december. that would be freaking awesome. I can't decide if trading back and forth is a good idea or just hold it to december. I can't wait till there is options trading on genta.
Next up why bond yields are falling and the risk is still the same or greater. I thought markets were efficient and you got paid for your risk. not today.
Interesting news for today
Housing Crash to Resume on 7 Million Foreclosures, Amherst Says
Card Defaults Surge in August to 11.49%, Moody’s Says (Update1)
World to America: We Want Our Gold Back
About penny stocks
my friend jacob and I have been trying to figure out the best way to make money quickly on the stock market I say long macro trends executed through strategic etf trading and he says penny stocks. For the last 6 months I have been consistently wrong so we started a site discussing the penny plays were working with, and interesting macro economic analysis. The first topic of discussion will be the stock GETA Genta inc.
alex jones,
federal reserve,
macro economics,
Penny stocks
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