Lloyd Blankfein i'm so jealous
I love news about Goldman it is almost always entertaining and important. The intro is the best I love how this writer Chris Nichols describes Goldman
"The vampire squid/investment bank/robber baron corporation without equal, Goldman Sachs, has hoisted the white flag. The humiliating surrender is complete.
Yes, the New York firm, known best for draining us regular folks of our hard-earned wages and our life force while simultaneously enriching a cackling cabal of Savile Row-suit-wearing, cigar-smoking bankers, has seen the light and decided to take a stand against doling out excessive pay. Cash bonuses for executives will not come to pass in 2009."
They Made So much money they had to delay payment for five years. I think they will be allright. GS is taking over the world so i think they will only be richer in 5yrs so i don't see why they think it looks so much better check it out.
If anything it will encourage the executives to continue pillaging at unimaginable rates and to continue passing compensation back so as not to turn a profit which if you don't make a profit you don't pay taxes. I bet I'll pay more taxes in the next couple of years than goldman will. Take some time read the article. its funny
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