Monday, November 16, 2009

Climate Treaty Bill New Doho?

O my I just wanted to thank Al Gore for being a genius.  He has figured out a way to make everyone think he is a hero while at the same time enriching himself, bringing down a country, bringing in world government, and helping all his friends gain power or enrich themselves.  Nothing wrong with making money but the world government and taxing a country to death is another.  

More than anyone else as vice president of the united states of America and  being involved in American politics for 24 years, serving first in the U.S. House of Representatives (1977–85) and later in the U.S. Senate (1985–93) (representing Tennessee) before becoming vice president. Gore was the Democratic nominee for president in the 2000 presidential election.   I think this truly makes him more intersting than anyone else for business or global pushers and pullers.   Think about it if anyone knows how to use lobbyists it would be him.   If anyone knows how to make house calls the the most important politicians it would be the vice president of the united states.   If anyone was to be bought by the global financiers and money elite it would be the vice president of the united states.  Especially after he lost the election for presidency I'm sure he was depressed and looking for an idea.    

Today Al has his own financial company that owns the chicago climate exchange many refer to his companies name as "Blood and Gore."  The company they own  Generation Investment Management LLP (GIM) is a London-based investment management firm with an investment style that blends traditional equity research with a focus on sustainability factors, including social and environmental responsibility and corporate governance.
Former U.S. Vice President Al Gore is chairman of Generation, and David Blood — previously chief executive of Goldman Sachs Asset Management — is CEO. The pair has given the company its nickname, "Blood and Gore."

He also has founded a company soleley for promoting the global climate change theory and it is supported by paramount pictures   "The Alliance for Climate Protection is an organization founded in the United States in 2006 aiming to "persuade people of the importance, urgency and feasibility of adopting and implementing effective and comprehensive solutions for the climate crisis".[1] The founder and current chairman of the alliance is former US Vice President Al Gore"   Much of the Alliance's funding comes from Al Gore's work. Paramount Classics, distributor of Gore's documentary An Inconvenient Truth 

  I find all of this very interesting especially with all of the coming up global meetings on climate changes at the G20 and even more close to home the upcoming Cap and Trade vote where it could slip through and we would have to pay taxes for every time we breathed and a lot of that money would go straight to Al Gore and his Goldman friends who own the exchanges where carbon will be traded and who create the financial products to be traded.   Making money for the bankers now with complete control of the media and the politicians is like shooting fish in a bucket.   like one oil baron said the best either rockefeller or getty I can't remember but he said something like the best way to start a business is to pass a law and thats what they are fixin to do.  another quote from rockefeller

I would rather earn 1% off a 100 people's efforts than 100% of my own efforts.
John D. Rockefeller

Nationalized industries are notorious for their inability to operate at a profit.
Paul Getty


If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths, rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success.
John D. Rockefeller

all this to show you this link about the up coming meetings

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